AMHI is a duly registered organization for histotechnologists of India, under Charity Commissioner, Maharashtra State,Mumbai registration number F-58175 (MUM)
Beginning step by step, we have completed a journey of 7 years. Our journey to reach this stage of successfully forming a professional association was difficult and also exhilarating. It is a pioneering effort to form an association of this kind, to bring all the histotechnologists together, with a common goal of improving quality.
Share your knowledge: A common platform for histotechnologists to exchange ideas/information and to extend cooperation in their profession.
What is new : Information about the innovative technology in the field of histotechnology.
Access to scientific souvenirs published by AMHI.
Why and How: Members can send their queries regarding techniques and processes to the experts to solve working issues.
Forum for histotechnologists for upgrading skills, knowledge with high professional standards as per the international level.
Discount in the registration fees for the AMHI event.